Life Update
Hey Guys! I know it's been a long time, and I do apologize for that. It's been a busy few months. I graduated from high school and am getting ready for college, which is a lot of work (textbooks, dorm stuff, new laptop (yay!)). Also, I haven't played SFH3 in months, so I'm a little out of touch with things. I would like to ramp up my presence on the wiki, which will include finishing the Weapons: Review series from ages ago. I think that's it, feel free to ask questions.
Until next time,
Weapons Review: Experimentals
Welcome to the last of the Primary posts in the Weapons Review series! It has been a pleasure writing these, but we are by no means done. But enough talk. Onward!
- 1 Overview
- 1.1 Ion Cannon:
- 1.2 Laser Cutter:
- 1.3 Pulse Rifle:
- 1.4 DSR1:
- 1.5 Rail Gun:
- 2 Grading
- 3 Closing
Experimentals are weird...they're like Elementals 2.0. But I like them way more then elementals. Why? Read on:
The Ion Cannon isn't that bad for a starter weapon. Actually, I would go as far to say that it is a darn fine weapon. It behaves similarly to a shotgun: multiple tendril/pellet thingies, high damage, low range. Except it has a good RoF and better accuracy than a shotgun...and that fact that it can poison enemies. As starter weapons go, it is one of the best. As experimentals go, quite…
New Blog Series!
Hello all.
I have decided to create a new blog series. It will be 8 posts, each post focusing on a different class. I will cover traits, characteristics, weapons, and attachments.
I will shoot for two posts a week: one weapons review, one class review.
Make sure to vote in the poll for Custom or Secondaries. Stay safe out there, and see you next time.
Weapons Review: Elementals
Hyrdrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Carbon, Phosphorous, Plutonium...sorry about that. Wrong elements. Anyway, I'm sure you're all wondering what I'm doing writing a blog on Thanksgiving. You see, I am thankful for the internet. All the world's information at my fingertips...and a place for us gaming nerds to do our thing. But...what am I not thankful for? The answer is...Elementals.
- 1 Overview
- 1.1 Tesla:
- 1.2 Flame Thrower:
- 1.3 Acid Hound:
- 1.4 Freeze Ray:
- 1.5 Microwave:
- 2 Grading
- 3 Closing
Elementals are insane. Literally a constant stream of stuff flying out of a weapon...and all they do are provide status effects. Poison, Fire, and three others I don't care about. Let's get this thing done.
I really like it. Sleek, smooth and fast. Wait, what? Oh. The weapon, not …
Weapons Review: Explosives
Welcome to the 6th post in the Weapons Review series!! Grenades, grenades everywhere/Rockets flying through the my song? Whatever. Let's get started.
- 1 Overview
- 1.1 SMAWG:
- 1.2 Panzer:
- 1.3 M202:
- 1.4 MK32:
- 1.5 GL06:
- 2 Grading
- 3 Closing
Find me one person who doesn't like explosives? Anyone? Going once, going twice...? That's what I thought. Nothing beats the sight of an enemy blowing apart from an expertly fired rocket. (Maybe mint ice cream, but it's a toss up). .................................................................Anyway, let's get crackin'!
Possibly my favorite starter weapon in the game, the SMAWG is just epic. Seems to be the spiritual successor to the RPG of SFH2, only better. Capable of one hit kills, it doesn't lack in the power …