Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia
Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia

SFH3 Hero and weapon customization guide (W.I.P)[]

Hello heroes! I've been looking for some sort of guide of how to modify the characters traits and weapon customization via the .minerva editor (The same editor as this SKIN customization guide!) but I didnt find one. So I'm starting this one, if you find new ids, values or anything else you could do with the editor would be great to be implemented in this guide!

The Minerva ver. I'm using for the current images is this one (3.5.0-redesigned Needs adobe air!)

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How the save file looks on the minerva editor


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This is an example of Westley's attributes, skillset and skin being replaced with the custom ones using the editor

When you open the heroes tab, a display from 0-X (Based on how many heroes do you have)

It contains the following variables:[]

(How heroes are displayed in the save file)
 - armorMod
 - body
 - cls
 - color
 - exp
 - face
 - flaw
 - hair
 - head
 - level
 - name
 - perks
 - skin
 - status
 - streak
 - trait
 - weaponMod

Each list is each ID and a description (is possible) of what have been tested


This is a string variable where as the name says, the Armor Mods the Hero has equipped. 

These variables  can also be used in the Array 12

The names que can put into it are:

regen1    - slightly healing over time (Healthy)

regen2    - When injured, heal 3X faster (Nanomachines)
gold1     - +15%g/k (Credit card and Gold Trait IDs)

length1   - Killstreaks last 30% longer (Long Lasting trait)

theif     - Kills return 10% ammo (Scavenger trait)

explo1    - -15% explosive damage (Blast Mask)

adren     - Fatal attacks reduce to 1hp instead (Life Support)

streak2   - Killstreaks stay after death +50% slower (Headset)

head1     - -15%dmg from headshots (Hard Hat)

killsteal - +10%dmg to enemies not targeting you (Targeting CPU)

aim1      - Acc. not reduced by firing (Diazepam)

aim2      - Acc. not reduced by moving or jumping (Steady Aim)

aim3      - Acc. is increased more when crouching (Tripod)

+ to do


This is the body of the hero expressed as an int variable, we can change it to any number we want from Fabrix's guide


This is the class of the hero expressed as a string variable, some special killstreaks restrict to a class only.

The names que can put into it are:

ID Desc
eng Engenieer class
gun Marksman class
jug Juggernog class
med Medic class
mer Mercenary class
nin Ninja class
eli Elite class


The hero color as a number, there are 6 colors from 1-6.


The hero's EXP amount (Not level)

(If anyone discovers their numbers for each lvl would be awesome!)


The hero's face (depends on what head you use).

You can see their IDs in Fabrix's guide 


Each hero has a specific flaw, its a sort of random debuf expressed in a string variable.

The names que can put into it are:


detect0 - Easier targeting at you for npcs (Loud)

regen0  - don't regen at low health

exp0    - -10% xp gain

spawn0  - 2 seconds longer respawn time

gold0   - -15%gold/kill gain 

aim0    - aim worse when moving or jumping

head0   - take 15% more dmg from headshots

pickup0 - pickup less ammo

self0 - Take 25% more self-damage

burn0   - effects x2

status0 - More chance of getting affected by status effects (fire, poison, etc)

luck0 - +5% chance of receiving crits 

hair & head[]

The hero's hair expressed in int variables, you can see a list of IDs in Fabrix's guide


The hero's level expressed in an int variable, this determines unlocked skills and weapons


The hero's name.


This is the skills you unlock when you reach lvl 5,10 and 15.

List of perks:

 ID                     Description             (Trait in game)

streak1    - Killstreaks are earned 30% quicker (Charismatic)

length1    - Killstreaks lasts +30% (Long Lasting)
adren      - Fatal attack will reduce you to 1hp (Adrenaline)

regen1     - Slightly healing over time (Healthy)

regen2     - When injured, heal 3X faster (Repair Bots) ​​​//Shares the same ID as nanomachines,doing the same effect

focus      - After 1.5s of not firing, next shot deals +30dmg (Extreme Focus)

reload     - +25% rate of fire after reloading (Tactical Reload)

exp1       - +10%exp/k (Quick learner)
tired1     - Gets tired 30% slower (Energized)

status1    - +Resistance to status effects (Resistant)
luck1      - 5% of not taking damage (Lucky)

burn1      - -25%dmg of fire/poison (Burn Resistance)

pickup1    - Pickups give +40% ammo (Resourceful) 

spawn1     - Respawn 2s faster (Quick Initiative) 

damage1    - Take 7% less damage from all sources

will       - Take up to 20% less damage base on how low your HP is

rage       - Deal up to 10% more damage based on how low your HP is

reload     - Gain 25% firing speed after reloading (Same as tactical ammo)

head1      - Take 15% less damage from headshots

self1      - Take 40% less self-damage

killsteal  - Deal 10% more damage to enemies not targeting you

detect1    - Enemies wont spot you until you are closer (Silent)

gold1      - +15%g/k  (Pickpocket)

aim1       - Accuracy not reduced on firing (Iron Grip)

aim3       - +Accuracy on crouching (Crouch master)

tag        - Mark target for allies to attack

sacrifice  - Deal 10% less damage but have 10% more HP

theif      - 10% ammo pickup on kill (Scavenger)
streak2    - Killstreak don't reset on death but are earned 50% slower

explo1     - Take 15% less damage from explosives

primary & secondary[]

Theese are the weapons that the hero have, its characteristics are:

level:                    Any info on this section is strictly needed!


The hero's skin number, you can see the IDs in Fabrix's guide 




The hero's killstreak represented in a string variable.

The names que can put into it are (ID - Description):

rofboost - +50% firing rate for 8 seconds

wallhack - Shoot through walls

icebeam - Satelite beam that freezes all enemies after 3 seconds

shuriken - Equip 3 poison shurikens

critboost - Most hits are crits

aimbot - Most hits on any bodypart count as a headshot

mirror - Give armor and deflect attacks for 7 seconds (I'm the juggernaut)

akimbo - Weapons shoot an extra bullet (Ghost weapon)

armor - Give your team full armor

element - Give armor and ignite nearby enemies for 7 seconds

betsy - Pull out betsy and use it until it runs out of ammo

heal - Rapidly regenerate allies' health for 8 seconds

dualtur - Deploy a shotgun turret

firebeam - Deal damage on every enemy and set them on fire after 3 seconds (Death Ray)

smoke - Telerport to a random location and be invisible for 2 seconds (Smoke Bomb)

If someone wants, add how many kills each killstreak needs


Each hero has an unique random trait represented in a string variable.

The names that can put into it are: (Most of the perks can be used here as well)

gunplay - Reload other weapon on kill

magnet - 10% chance that any shot counts as a headshot

energy - Can't grab ammo pickups, however, ammo auto-regens

stealth - Invisible when not shooting or bumping enemies

assist - +50% accuracy

stealth - Invisible when not shooting or bumping enemies (Chameleon)

deflect - 8% change to deflect bullets

proof - Status effects expire twice as fast

love - Nearby dead allies respawn 300% faster

turret2 - Turrets have +50% more health and last 50% more

aura - Heal all nearby allies every 3 seconds

coating - Higher chance of causing status effects (fire, poison, etc)

dodge - 7% chance of dodging any projectile attack

boots - Gain 25% fire rate when HP is below 40%


In game this is represented as 'Attachments'

The hero's weaponMod slot. 

The names que can put into it are:

Heavy Load

'Heavy load' is a weaponMod (dmg1)

 ID               DESCRIPTION

dmg1   - Increase ranged damage by 5% (Heavy Load)

dmg2   - Increase melee damage by 10% (Sharpened Edge)

range  - Increase weapon range by 20% (Advanced Rifling)

rof1   - Increase rate of fire by 15% (Hair trigger)

bfire  - Bullets can ignite enemies -20% (Ignition Rounds)

ammo2  - Hold x2 more spare ammo

ammo3  - A giant clip, no reloads but -30% total ammo (Drum mag)

radius - Increase explosion radius by 20% (Shrapnel)

The list of attachments are stored in the

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List of attachments (weaponMod) aviable for heroes to use

11th Array of the items Array,

there you can save or add attachments for heroes to use!