Status effects are conditions that affect soldiers. They are caused by certain weapons or projectile modifications that either always cause them, or just have a chance to do so. Status effects last for short period of time.
Status effects affect soldiers by weapons which fire projectiles that have ability to affect the enemy with them. Some weapons have only chance to deliver status effect, such as all Experimentals (except for the DSR1 and Precision Shot). Every Elemental weapon (except the Microwave and Bad News) instantly makes a status effect. Outside of elementals, only standard weapon which delivers status effect without being a custom is the Stun Baton. Strangely, if you headshot with a weapon that can deliver status effects, the status effects will headshot every time they do damage, doing extra damage. Status effects can also crit.
Fire - Ignites enemies who then start losing health rapidly.
Ice - Freezes enemies in an ice rock.
Poison - Poisons the enemy who then start losing health slowly but it last longer than the fire.
Electricity - The enemies take 10% more damage from all sources.
List of weapons that cause status effects[]
- Iron Curtain (chance to poison)
- Avengers (chance to set on fire)
- Ice Chamber (Freezes)
- Old Yeller (Sets on fire)
- Dragon's Breath (Sets on fire)
Machine Guns
- Chain SAW (chance to set on fire)
- Ratatouille (chance to poison)
- Mobile Turret (chance to electrocute)
- Raven (chance to freeze)
- Tesla and Edison's Bane (electrocutes)
- Flamethrower and Afterburner (Sets on fire)
- Freeze Ray and Sub Zero (Freezes)
- Acid Hound and Liquifier (Poisons)
- Ion Cannon (Chance to Poison) and Paralyzer (Poisons)
- Laser Cutter (chance to set on fire) and Decimator (Sets on fire)
- Pulse Rifle (chance to freeze) and Futurama (Freezes)
- Rail Gun (chance to electrocute)and Fortune's 500 (electrocutes)
- Bolt Sticker (electrocutes)
- Greaser (chance to poison)
- Righteous Bizon (chance to set on fire)
- Stun Baton (electrocutes) and Sick Stick (Poisons)
- Deadly Shurikens (Ninja ability)
- Most perfect items. Too many to list.
The damage done by Fire and Poison actually increases the more you level up; in SFH3 Hacked, when an extremely-high level character (e.g. a Level 9999 Wesley with the Sick Stick) does a status effect to an enemy, that effect kills the opponent within a microsecond.