Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia
Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia

The MK14 is a semi-automatic Sniper rifle for the Sniper and the Gunslinger class.


The MK14 is based off the American Mk14 mod 0 Enhanced Battle Rifle. It features a white base with a black Kydex hand guard and a front sight. It also has a shorter barrel with a rear sight on it. It also has a tilted magazine.


The MK14 is the sniper rifle with the highest accuracy, which means that sniping from far distances will be easier. It also excels in its fire rate and ammo capacity, having 12 rounds per magazine and a higher-than-average fire rate.

However, the MK14 suffers from a low impact, being the second lowest damaging rifle, only beaten by the G36R.

The Marksman is the custom version of the MK14 and it emphasizes the accuracy of the MK14 by having perfect accuracy when unupgraded.


The MK14 is a poor sniper rifle for the Sniper playstyle, primarily due to its extremely low impact which severely damages the "one shot one kill" trait of a marksman. However it still makes up for this with its high accuracy which helps with dealing more shots.

The MK14 is best used with 4+ star upgrades as it will have a higher impact.

The Balistic CPU is good for the MK14 as it will ensure you deal extra damage to the opponents. Even though it requires hitting the head, that will be a simpler task due to its high accuracy. The Burst Module and Auto Trigger are also good picks due to the MK14's high ammo pool.

The Marksman, the MK14's custom version, is practically useless due to the MK14 already having perfect accuracy with 2+ star upgrades.

All in all, the MK14 is a poor choice for those who wish to play the Sniper playstyle as it will not be able to deal enough damage to kill enemies. Only use this weapon if you are having very great difficulty with ammo handling.


  • In real life, the Mk14 EBR is a select-fire battle rifle was made by the US for use in the United States Special Operations Command. It is chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO rounds. More can be read here.
  • The MK14 in SFH3 does not include a scope as compared to the other rifle in Strike Force Heroes 2.