Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia
Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia

The Lynx is a Sniper rifle, available for the Gunslinger and Sniper classes.


The Lynx is based off the Gepard GM-6 Lynx, a Hungarian Anti-armor bullpup sniper rifle.


The Lynx has the furthest view range of all sniper rifles, which means that you are able to snipe-off unsuspecting enemies from far distances.

However, it lacks in many aspects, with a relatively low impact and with below-average accuracy.

The Lynx normally carries 6 rounds per magazine, which is average.

It's custom version, Farsight, emphasizes the "longest range" trait of the Lynx with its greatly buffed view range, which can allow you to shoot enemies from even further distances.


The Lynx is an average Sniper rifle for the sniper playstyle. However, it excels with users who fair more with a more sneaky, "camping" playstyle where you snipe enemies from far distances due to its increased range.

The Lynx performs best with 4+ Star upgrades as it will have increased accuracy, and more importantly higher impact.

The Foregrip is the best attachment for the Lynx as it increases its accuracy by 10%, allowing for more precise shots when sniping from distances.

The Farsight, however, is much, much better than the Lynx, primarily due to its extremely buffed view range which allows for even map-wide shots in smaller maps like Street. It is a good choice for attempting higher-level Challenge missions as a lower leveled hero.

All in all, the Lynx is an average sniper rifle and is an alright choice when going for the Sniper playstyle.

The Farsight is a recommended sniper rifle for players who wish to complete higher-level missions with lower-leveled heroes. With perfect usage, the Farsight could trump even the Intervention and L115.


  • It seems to be the spiritual successor of the Barrett sniper rifle in SFH1 and SFH2. Both weapons have high damage, yet low accuracy.