The Junkyard is a map in SFH 3. It's first appearance is in Mission 3.
A medium sized map, set in a car junkyard at night. Platforms are made of rock, although ruined cars can be seen in the background.
Enviromental effects[]
In the center of the map, there is a high blue column which lifts the player up if they stand init. This is because of the crane, which holds a giant magnet that lifts up everything. The speed of going up is very low, so don't rely on that while trying to escape from enemy attacks. To lift yourself up, you need to stand in the center, and only one movement out of it makes you fall down. Falling from the big height will crack your legs and immobilize you for few seconds. You will also lose small amount of health.
Enviromental hazards[]
On the top of the magnetic column there is an electromagnet which kills on contact. AI and players alike are rarely killed by it, but knowing the flaws of AI and the unsuspecting carelessness of players, casualties do happen.
Pick-up locations[]
There is an Armor pack located below magnet (be careful when picking it) and a health pack in the bottom of the column (also be careful due to enemy pileup)
Set a Rocket Sentry in the bottom of the column, as it can cover a lot of the map with homing rockets-- The range of these nearly reach the magnet up top. If you use a Ninja with Chameleon, you can quickly slide down the column and ambush the unaware enemy, finishing him off with a shotgun. Enemies are mostly spread over the entire map, although you may want to be especially careful when going to the bottom of the column, especially if on low health.
- The Junkyard is a reskin of the Strike Force Heroes 2 map "Factory", which was a factory where Globex produced clones. The column in the center was originally a tractor beam that lifted the clones (and players) up and could kill players if they got to the top, just like the magnet here.
- As the Junkyard is similar to SFH 2's factory, some theorize that this map could actually be the remains of the building itself, now being used as a scrap heap. The powerful electromagnet would also explain how the clones were lifted up.
- This is one of the 3 maps set during night time, the other two being Street and Temple.