Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia
Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia

The G36R is a fully automatic sniper rifle for the Sniper and the Gunslinger class.


The G36R most resembles the H&K G36-family weapons. It features a green-grey base with a black skeleton stock. It also features the iconic G36 telescopic sight on the top of the rifle. There is a rear sight on the barrel. It also carries curved magazines.


The G36R is the only fully automatic sniper rifle in the game, performing like an AR-sniper hybrid rifle. It also boasts the highest ammo-capacity with 24 rounds per magazine (31 if upgraded). This means that you will not suffer more from missing shots.

However, the G36R suffers greatly with its accuracy and its impact, being the lowest of its class.

The Wildcat is the custom version of the G36R and emphasizes its high ammo output with an increased critical rate.


The G36R is a poor sniper rifle for the sniper playstyle, and could even be considered the worst sniper rifle due to its poor impact and range. Its poor accuracy and impact make it limited in its usefulness for players who wish to snipe from far distances. However, the G36R is a good hybrid rifle for players who wish to have the skills of the Sniper and Gunslinger class, whilst also wanting the stats of an assault rifle.

The G36R is best used with 4+ star upgrades as it will have increased impact.

As a sniper, the Foregrip is a good attachment as it allows for the G36R to have more precise shots. For hybrid players, it will depend on your playstyle for ARs.

The Wildcat does not benifit the Sniper playstyle, and even encourages the player to use the G36R more like an assault rifle with its increased critical chance.

In conclusion, the G36R is one of the worst Sniper rifles and is the least recommended weapon for those who favour the Sniper playstyle. For players who wish to use this as an assault rifle, the G36R is an average assault rifle which performs better than ARs like the XM8A1. It is mostly comparable to the FAL OSW in terms of damage output.


  • The G36R is one of the only 2 sniper rifles in the Strike Force Heroes series which are fully automatic. The other is the G11 in Strike Force Heroes 2. Oddly enough, both rifles are by H&K and both are also not classified as sniper rifles in real life, but as assault rifles. Possibly a coincidence.
  • In real life, there is no such thing as the G36R. While the G36 family exists, the closest to the G36R is possibly the G36 DMR, which is not fully automatic.
  • The sniper rifle's design may have ties to the Classic, a sniper rifle from the game Team Fortress 2, primarily due to its similar base color.