Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia
Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia

Five Seven is a pistol. The custom version of the Five Seven is the Popper.

Five Seven
Five Seven Highres Transparent
Slot Secondary
Type Pistol
Class All except

Juggernaut and Mercenary

Blueprint No. 2
Custom Version Popper


The Five Seven is a pistol that appears identical to its real life counterpart, the FN Five-seven.


The Five Seven is a 3 round burst-fire pistol that deals moderate damage. Its accuracy is below average but its ammo capacity is quite large. It has the fastest fire rate of all Pistols.


This weapon's quick burst firing capabilities makes it a reliable close range weapon. However, its middling accuracy prevents it from being effective at longer range. As with other burst fire weapons, equipping the Burst Module attachment does nothing except lower the weapon's damage.


  • The Five Seven blueprint is the first blueprint found in the entire game.

