Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia
Strike Force Heroes 3 Wikia

Devs De La Muerte is the 48th and final mission of Strike Force Heroes 3.


Two heroes of SFH face the two most powerful GlobeX clone soldiers ever to conclude the Third Clone War: Justin and Mike. The mission is played on Street map like other special missions.


After winning the match, a cutscene will appear showing Justin and Mike dead, bleeding out onto the ground. When The Scientist finds out the clones were defeated, he becomes enraged and slaughters all his generals in the GlobeX headquarters. Back in South America, the SFH base receives a message from the original GlobeX Leader who has somehow survived his previous fall and now offers to help fighting against GlobeX.


  • Juggernauts are recommended due to their high health being able to withstand a tremendous amount of damage.
  • Explosive Weapons with high damage (e.g Dragon's Breath) can one shot either of the enemies, so try to use them. It may be more difficult to kill Mike due to his higher health.
  • Camping a corner of the map with an MK32 or DSR1 (or their custom versions) may be a viable solution.
  • Long-range Sniper Rifles can render you being able to shoot the enemy while they can't shoot you due to their limited vision.
    • The Farsight is perfect for this purpose due to it's 100% increased vision.
  • Elementals and short-range Shotguns are NOT recommended due to limited range, as both clones can attack you from afar.
  • High-DPS Automatics(with rof 28 or above) (e.g Crazy Badger, Ballers) can prove to be useful due to fast kill time.
  • The Panzer (and it's custom version)'s missles can track the enemy even when they are invisible, making it extremely useful.
  • It is possible to block most incoming fire from the lower level by crouching behind the crate below the two platforms (if Wall Hack is deactivated).
  • Constantly fire your weapons when the enemies are invisible in the hopes of randomly shooting them.
    • You can also trace them by watching out for ammo pickups suddenly disappearing.
  • It is recommended to quit the game and retry if the initial spawn point is bad, as getting a good lead before Wall Hack is activated is vital to success.
  • If possible, use Jyn and stay alive until the Killstreak is ready, then use it after the enemies activate Wall Hack, so as to fight fire with fire.
  • Weapons with Nitrogen Rounds can be useful as they not only stop enemies from firing or moving, but also reveals their location if they're invisible, giving you an opportunity to kill them.
  • An unusual strategy is to actually fight Mike and Justin by yourself since you will have no AI partner that could potentially feed kills to them.


  • This mission is called Devs De La Muerte because Justin and Mike are actually based on Justin Gonclaves and Mike Sleva, the main creators of Strike Force Heroes.
  • "Devs De La Muerte" roughly translates to "Developers of Death" in Spanish.
  • During the mission, a song called "A Hero Emerges" plays. This song is a theme song in original Strike Force Heroes game. It is also the only song that can play during this mission.
    • However, in the pause menu it says the soundtrack that plays during gameplay is "Super Song Mega".
  • There is a glitch in this level: if the player quits the battle while enemies are using a killstreak and restarts it, they will still have that killstreak from the beginning. Refreshing the page solves this problem.
  • Sometimes, when the player completes a daily mission or a custom game, the cutscene that is showed when this mission ends appears. The cause of this glitch is unknown.